Speaker Profile

Linda Schiller-Hanna


Linda Schiller-Hanna has done intuitive readings for more than 40,000 people internationally. She has taught with the Association of Research and Enlightenment, (Edgar Cayce Foundation) since 1991 and has been on the list of tested and approved psychics since then as well. She is a Reiki Master. She founded Angel Love Healing Center in the early l990s as a holistic response to HIV/AIDS before other viable medical options were available.

She studied with Elisabeth Kubler Ross, M.D., author of On Death and Dying and the pioneer who listed the 5 Stages of Grief. Linda studied psychology at U. of California in Berkeley. She also is a Certified Nurses Aid, trained at Merritt College, in Oakland, CA. She worked as Activities Aid in a Massachusetts nursing home, and as a Medical Transcriber for a Beverly Hills orthopedist. She also worked at UCLA as a secretary for an orthopedics medical journal. Linda also worked as a medical transcriber in a California Medical Malpractice insurance company.

She was “coincidentally present” when a woman who had been in a coma for more than 10 years emerged when Linda and the woman’s sister and a friend did deep prayer, while Linda also applied Reiki energy. Linda has also trained in Cranial Sacral Therapy, basic massage, and holistic studies of a large variety. Linda Schiller-Hanna has assisted law enforcement to find missing children and has predicted several world events accurately and with documentation, mostly notably the Skylab descent near Perth, Australia in 1979. She also helps locate missing pets and works with Search and Rescue to find missing bodies.

Linda is working on a book. There are a few items for sale on Amazon.com kindle that Linda has authored including: Relieving the Burden of Self. Her main purpose in offering this training is to help everyone learn that we all have natural intuitive abilities and that they can easily be brought “online” and be reliably trusted for the highest good of all concerned.

You can read Linda’s website at www.lightworker22.com or contact her via email: linda@Lightworker22.com